
Porto USK Symposium. Os cozinheiros de La Ribiera

During the Symposium, the last activity of the day was called "Drink and Draw", sketching in the bar area of "La Ribiera". There I was, not sure what to draw, so I went into one of the bars in the area to access the toilet. I had to wait for a short queue to access the bathroom, so while I was waiting I started sketching the cooks, two women from Cape Verde. When they saw my work, they were delighted and wanted to pose with my work.

This was the result

More about the  USk Porto Symposium.


Porto USK Symposium

Some of the drawings and watercolors I made in Porto last week, during the Porto USK Symposium,


Sesión de posados en la Escuela de Arte

Esta fue la última sesión de este curso con las sesiones de posados en la Escuela de Arte . Doble posado con dos modelos; Cristina y Borja.  Todo un lujo para la despedida.

Sesión de desnudo de la pareja en la primera parte.

Sesión de vestido "de época" en la segunda parte