
Painting with Ángel

At his 4 years old, my son Ángel loves going to the "Guardar Como"  portrait sessions every Wednesday. These are some of the works in which we have both collaborated.

Adela Valentín Rodríguez Actress
El Duende Eléctrico. Musician
Alba García González. Singer- Songwriter
Freddy Varó. Magician
Elena M.Ramiro. Dancer
Carlos Guzmán.Cellist. 

Thanks to Juan Carlos González for the Photos

More on some of these "Guardar Como" sessions in this Blog.


Matt Woods and the Natural Disasters

A great country and American rock concert in  Porta Caeli hall. Matt Woods, composer from Knoxville, Tennessee presents his album and band "Natural Disasters." Guitarist Weston Harris Hill, bass Jeremy 'JD' Mackinder and PJ Schreiner are the components of the band .


A day in Kraków

I took a stopover in Poland on my flight back to Spain from Berlin to visit the beautiful city of Krakow.
These are the sketches and watercolors that I painted there that day on my Moleskine watercolor notebook.
11.30 h.  Rynek Glówny.  Main Square

 14 h.Wszystkich Świętych Place.
 17.30 h. Main Square
My sketches: