
Dominican sketches

For work reasons, I have hardly had time to draw lately, but now, seeing some precious works based on neighborhood voyeurism during the current collective confinement, I remembered this series that I worked on in 2011, 9 years ago.
These are quick sketches taken from my window, portraying the Dominican neighbors and accompanied by some of the expressions they use.
The window allows me to capture the reality that is down there, they are little more than spots, since from my point of view I can barely capture faces. The viewpoint is certainly unusual, is that which I have from the balcony of my house, this vision may seem to the vision of the theater from a box seat

Faber Castell Watercolour pencil and Watercolour on Note book paper 21x14cm.

Por motivos laborales, casi no he tenido tiempo para dibujar últimamente, pero ahora, viendo algunos preciosos  trabajos basados en el vouyerismo vecinal durante el actual confinamiento colectivo,me acordé de esta serie en la que trabajé en 2011, hace 9 años.
Se trata de apuntes rápidos tomados  desde mi ventana retratando a los vecinos dominicanos y acompañados de algunas de las expresiones que utilizan.
La ventana me permite captar la realidad que hay allá abajo, son poco más que manchas, ya que desde mi punto de vista apenas puedo captar las caras.